Wet Betty - 1 litro RENOVAÇÃO
Advanced Nutrients
Avaliação 3.8/5 baseada em 4 voto(s)
Wet Betty es un humectante no iónico que se utiliza para eliminar la tensión superficial del agua y así permitir con mucha más facilidad, la penetración de cualquier insecticida, fungicida, abono foliar, potenciador o cualquier otro tipo de suplemento.
- Advanced Nutrients Ver outros produtos
Descrição do produto
Wet Betty es un humectante tensioactivo no iónico con ingredientes 100% naturales. Rompe la tensión superficial del agua para proporcionar los nutrientes, hormonas y agentes catalizadores directamente a las raíces (por riego) u hojas, (cuando es aplicado por pulverización foliar).
Hemos probado decenas de agentes tensioactivos o humectantes sintéticos y ninguno superó estadísticamente a los orgánicos utilizados en Wet Betty. Nuestros estudios demuestran que nuestros tensioactivos mejoran la permeabilidad y la movilidad de nutrientes, que se tradujo en un aumento del 3-6% en la cosecha final, incluso cuando los tensioactivos (humectantes) fueron utilizados únicamente sin ningún otro ingrediente. Wet Betty combina los tensioactivos humectantes con los nutrientes, aumentando la disponibilidad de estos últimos.
Wet Betty alivia la tensión superficial del agua en el medio de cultivo para que los nutrientes lleguen en mayor medida a la zona de la raíz. De este modo estos nutrientes diluidos en el agua son más fáciles de absorber. Cuando usted quiera sacar el mayor provecho de cada céntimo invertido en la alimentación de sus plantas, no lo dude, utilice el mejor agente humectante del mercado, utilice WET BETTY ORGANIC.THE EASIEST WAY IN THE WORLD TO GET OPTIMUM GROWTH AND MAXIMUM YIELDS... WITHOUT... EXTRA NUTRIENTS AND NO MATTER WHAT YOU FEED YOUR PLANTS!
It's a fact...
If you can get your plant's roots and leaves to absorb MORE nutrients then... you will see more vigorous growth and your plants will produce maximum yields!
To do this, scientists have developed a totally unique and unheard of way to get more nutrients into your plants faster and more efficiently than ever before.
The secret is an organic, non-ionic surfactant formula called WET BETTY. A surfactant formula is a wetting agent that lowers the surface tension of a liquid (in this case, nutrient-rich water) which allows easier spreading and uptake of nutrients into your plants.
And when this nutrient rich water spreads and is absorbed faster by your plants... it of course means... they get the organic nutrients they crave faster and more efficiently than ever before-which maximizes your plant's bloom yield.
The best part?
Because WET BETTY lowers the surface tension of the liquids you grow your crops in... no matter what feeding program or nutrients you use... you'll see your vigorous growth, more delicious plants, and maximum yields!
It's no secret that your plants live off of the nutrients and water you feed them in your garden.
So it should come as no surprise that if you found a way to make those two ingredients, water and nutrients, get into your plants more efficiently - you would enhance growth and maximize yields.
You see, normally, when plants are grown hydroponically in indoor gardens under high-intensity lighting, it's hard on them. They struggle to suck in the nutrients they need from the water and feeding programs most growers give them.
What WET BETTY does, on the other hand, is make it EASIER for your plants to uptake and use the nutrients you feed them because it does two important things.
It improves nutrient mobility - which simply means it helps the nutrients travel through the liquid and get to your plants faster and more efficiently... It improves cellular permeability in your plants - which means your crops have an easier time absorbing those nutrients you're feeding them...
Now, let's examine each of these processes in more detail...
Water is one of the most abundant molecules here on earth, and without it, life would not exist. In addition, it has some truly unique properties... and as you come to understand them... you'll know exactly how to get more out of your plants.
First, water is made of H2O, hydrogen and oxygen, two of the most common elements in the universe and is a polar charged molecule. This simply means each H2O molecule carries both a positive and a negative charge.
This kind of polar attraction is called "Hydrogen Bonding" and it's what gives water it's surface tension and the tendency to clump together, and form little droplets that hold together. Without this strong Hydrogen Bonding water would be, in effect, wetter and spread around much more easily.
So it's obvious that WET BETTY works by lowering the strength of this Hydrogen Bonding... which lowers the surface tension of water... and in the process... makes it "wetter" and easier to spread, expand, move and carry other nutrients along with it.NEXT, WET BETTY GREATLY INCREASES YOUR PLANT'S ABILITY TO ABSORB NUTRIENTS...
You've already seen how WET BETTY lowers the surface tension of water to help get nutrients to your plants faster... but... it also does something else that's completely unique.
Very simply, it makes your plants more able to absorb any and all nutrients and water you feed them!
Here's how...
FIRST: she softens the outer waxy layer of your plant's "skin", opening the entire cell wall structure beneath to being hydrated and imbibed by water...
SECOND, with the cuticle waxes softened, WET BETTY allows your nutrient and feeding solution to more effectively rush in beneath the waxy skin into the plant cell walls and up against the cell membrane...
THIRD, WET BETTY acts as a traditional surfactant by breaking the surface tension of water droplets, and helps spread a film of nutrient-rich water over every foliar surface on your plants...
It's this unique ability to make plants more permeable and able to absorb more nutrients... along with... making water spread more thinly and cover more surface area that also makes WET BETTY the absolute best way to feed your plants with foliar spraying.
When mixed with your nutrient solution and applied foliarly, its unique formula will assist in dispersing each nutrient and growth enhancing ingredient over a slick layer of water that spreads itself to cover more of your leaf area per spray.
In addition to more evenly and more effectively helping cover your plants with nutrients, because WET BETTY increases your leaves permeability, it will also help them absorb more of whatever water solutions your feed them, faster.PLUS, BECAUSE OF THE UNIQUE FORMULA YOU USE LESS TO GET MORE...
Other brands of wetting agents used in horticulture require between 30 to 60 ml per liter of nutrient solution to be effective.
In contrast, WET BETTY's use of a non-ionic, surfactant formulation gives you a product that's 30 to 60 times more effective than other brands because it only needs to be applied at only 1-2 ml per liter of nutrient solution!
This is because of the way its unique formulation as a non-ionic surfactant works. On a scale of 1 to 20 called the Hydrophilic-Lipophyllic balance (HLB), WET BETTY is right in the middle around 11 to 12... which means... she is soluble in both types of materials.
Waxy plant cuticles can't help but slightly melt and allow greater absorption... and at the same time... water more effectively thins, spreads and carries nutrients when WET BETTY is mixed in.BUT THAT'S NOT ALL...
WET BETTY has been scientifically developed and rigorously tested to also give you the following benefits...
Has been proven to maximize yields by itself... without... additional nutrients!
Is proven to increase the absorption of water and nutrients!
Is proven to give you more benefits with a lower application rate!Yes. Advanced Nutrients is so confident WET BETTY will give you enhanced growth, juicier plants and maximum overall yields that they're willing to "put their money where their mouth is"...
Here's how other growers have started maximizing their own gardens, completely without risk...
First, simply visit your local hydroponics store that carries Advanced Nutrient's products. Tell them you want to try WET BETTY in your own garden, without risking a penny.
(All vendors that carry Advanced Nutrients products are familiar with their guarantee, so they'll know what you're talking about!)
Next, go home and on your next growth cycle, apply WET BETTY according to the simple directions on your bottle. It's easy, it's not complicated, but the results will be amazing.
Finally, do everything else you would normally do when growing your plants. Without any other changes, the addition of WET BETTY alone should give you impressive results. Simply sit back and watch as your plants grow... they more easily get the nutrients they're starving for... and they rocket towards more impressive yield than ever before.
When your friends are begging to know what you did differently to get such a large harvest, you'll be able to explain everything you know about hydrogen bonding, surface tension, plant permeability and other growth factors... but... you can decide for yourself whether you want to tell them about your new plant-maximizing secret, WET BETTY, or just leave them wondering.
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