• Dreamtime Regular

    Mr. Nice

    Valoración 4/5 basada en 7 voto(s)

    Selección mixta de variedades de interior donde pueden encontrarse genética Skunk, NL, Haze y Afghan. Recomendado para cultivadores principiantes o para aquellos que busquen buenas genéticas a un mejor precio. Floración en interior: 60 o más días, en función del fenotipo seleccionado; cosecha en exterior: de Septiembre a Noviembre. Interior - exterior.

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    • 33,25Antes: 35,00

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  • Descripción del producto

  • Go forth into the MR. NICE dreamtime, anytime. A selection of mixed indoor varieties of excellent parentage including Skunk, NL, Haze, and Afghan. Highly recommended for the first time grower or those that search for an economic solution to their problems. Guaranteed to turn the consumer on and personally recommended if you have some selection experience, there will be something in every packet worth the wait..

    Heritage: Dreamtime

    Category: The Naturals - Old school genetics

    Family of breed: a mixture of Skunk, NL, Afghan and Haze

    Breeder: Shantibaba's

    Preferred medium: Bio and Hydro, Indoors and outdoors/greenhouse

    Expected yield: indoor 400/550 g/m2 g/h & outdoor 450+ g/plant

    Flowering period: expect flowering time indoor of 60+ days... but it really depends upon the phenotype you are working with. In the North/hemisphere September/October/November and in the South/hemisphere April/May/June

    Recommendations: for the inexperienced growers to the most advanced. Highly recommended for the first-time indoor growers

    Special Notes: a winner to those with economic budgets, looking for the one!

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      Valoración 4/5 basada en 7 voto(s)

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