Early Queen Régulière
Mr. Nice
Evaluation 4/5 basé sur 2 voix
Triple híbrido de cosecha temprana, mezcla de genéticas californianas con un toque de Mexican. Floración en interior: 6 - 8 semanas; cosecha en exterior: Septiembre. Interior - exterior.
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Description du produit
Since the beginning of the 1990s, this three way hybrid has earn acclaim in the cultivators world. It is quick to finish both indoors and outdoors and is, therefore, perfect for cold climate countries in the northern hemisphere. The flowering cycle is expected to be between 6-8 weeks with indoor cultivation. Expect harvest time in the northern hemisphere as early as September and in the southern hemisphere by March. The yields will surprise the victims. The genetic composition of this breed stems from early Californian blends mixed with a touch of Mexican. So, Signor Cultivator, enjoy your Early Queen and her fruits like a happy farmer should, real early, real juicy, and the real thing!
Heritage: Early Queen
Category: The Naturals - Old school genetics
Family of breed: Early Californian blends with a touch of Mexican, Early Pearl x Early Girl x Super Skunk
Breeder: Nevil and Shantibaba's
Preferred medium: bio and hydro, indoors outdoors/greenhouse
Expected yield: indoor 500-550 g/m2 g/h & outdoor 500 g/plant
Flowering period: Expect flowering time indoor of 42-56 days. In the North/hemisphere September and in the South/hemisphere March to April.
Recommendations For the inexperienced growers to the most advanced. Especially for greenhouse growers worldwide or short outdoor seasons.
Special Notes: A winner of hearts for its economic quick returns and practicality. A full-flavored product to be enjoyed wholeheartedly.
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