• Organik B-1 Vitamine Booster - 1 litro

    Advanced Nutrients

    Evaluation 4.8/5 basé sur 5 voix

    -50% Precio Especial

    Potente mezcla de vitaminas B extraidas de materias primas vegetales cultivadas biológicamente. Mantiene las plantas sanas y vigorosas. Apto para todo tipo de cultivo. 100% orgánico.

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    • 15,38Avant: 30,75

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  • Description du produit

  • Las vitaminas B son muy importantes para los seres humanos y las plantas. La mayoría de las pocas empresas que las fabrican artificialmente utilizan fuentes baratas o de calidad inferior y estas formulaciones sintéticas no son suficientes, no le dan a las plantas toda la gama completa de vitaminas B que necesitan. Para aquellos que se niegan a aceptar estos hechos, hemos creado ORGANIC-B, una mezcla única en el mundo, hecha 100% de vitaminas B orgánicas. Contiene tres extractos únicos de levadura hidrolizada de los cuales se obtiene una composición equilibrada de vitamina B-1 (clorhidrato de tiamina), B-2 (riboflavina), B-3 (niacina), B-5 (ácido pantoténico) B-6 (Piridoxina) B-7 ( biotina) B-12 (Cobalamina). ORGANIC-B también contiene proteínas, péptidos, aminoácidos libres, lípidos, minerales, oligoelementos, y citoquininas.

    ORGANIC-B es completamente orgánico y se puede utilizar en sistemas hidropónicos (para crear sistemas bio-hidroponicos) y suelos y sustratos de cualquier tipo. Este producto proporciona soporte nutricional que trabaja en simbiosis con VOODOO JUICE, TARANTULA y PIRANHA. Utilizando ORGANIC-B obtendrás los resultados que siempre has imaginado. Te quedarás sorprendidísimo del resultado visible ya a los pocos dias de empezar a utilizarlos. Jamás habrás tenido plantas tan sanas y vigorosas.



    You already know that your plants need to be fed the best nutrients and the best fertilizers to ensure they get as big as possible and give you the maximum harvest they're capable of.

    But what you may not be aware of yet is...


    What is this supplement? It's simple really, just like people, your plants need to supplement with vitamins in addition to the fertilizers and other nutrients you feed them.

    But not just any vitamins will do. In fact, scientists have discovered there is one specific type of vitamin that will help your plants (starting with seeds, clones and continuing through to mature plants)...

    1.Enhance your plant's cellular metabolism...

    2. Gives your plants an extra "push" to enhance their growth...

    3. And feed them the boost they need to promote blooming and give you maximum harvests...

    If you're familiar with plant metabolism, or you've heard rumors of how vitamins can help your plants, then you've probably already guessed what type of vitamins can do this for your plants...


    Yes, your plants need B vitamins even more than we humans do. In fact, here's just a small sample of the benefits of giving your plants B Vitamins and the plant processes you'll be helping:

    - Vitamin B1 (Thiamine): powers many of your plants most important processes including utilizing carbohydrates... helping it make use of phosphate (an essential nutrient that fuels flower growth)... and helps your plants develop stronger, more efficient roots so they suck up more nutrients.

    - Vitamin B3 (Niacin) Is essential to your plant's basic life functions and contributes to a strong, healthy metabolism. In fact, insufficient amounts of B3 lead to slow growth and overall poor harvests.

    - Vitamin B5 is one of the most essential B Vitamins for your plants. It maintains essential cellular processes... and... without the right amount of B5, your plants grow slowly.

    - Vitamin B7 (Biotin): Is a workhorse vitamin involved in enzymatic activity, carbohydrate energy production and amino acid synthesis... all of which... are fundamental to the basic nutrient health and output of your plants.

    - Folic Acid while found naturally in many nutrients you feed your plants easily breaks down (especially under intense lighting) which means your plants may be deficient in this important acid. Folic Acid powers your plants to maintain a healthy metabolism while protecting and helping to repair DNA. What's more: multiple hydroponic tests on the types of plants we grow show Folic upgrades quality of harvests.


    Number 1: You should only supplement your feeding programs with B Vitamins that are made specifically for the types of plants that you grow and in the gardens you grow them in.

    You see, other companies test and design their products for cucumbers or other garden plants. Advanced Nutrients is the only hydroponics company that specifically researches, designs and tests their nutrients and vitamin formulas - specifically ORGANIC B™ - for the types of plants we grow and in the types of gardens we grow them in.

    Which means, you get the only B Vitamin formula specifically designed to give you exactly what you want: more vigorous growth, and maximum harvest yields.

    Number 2: According to a study conducted by the Institute of Plant Sciences at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, plants fed organic fertilizers absorb and use more B Vitamins, (especially B1 and B12), than plants fed synthetic fertilizers.

    Which means, feeding your plants a 100% all organic B Vitamin formula, like ORGANIC B™, guarantees you get the most benefits out of your supplement program possible.

    And if you're already feeding your plants 100% all-organic nutrients and fertilizers, ORGANIC B™ is... without a doubt... the most logical choice because it fits works together perfectly with other ingredients in a way scientists call "synergistic" to give you nutrient healthy plants, enhanced growth and maximum yields.

    What's more: ORGANIC B™ is currently the ONLY 100% organic B Vitamin Supplement around!

    Number 3: One of the biggest benefits of ORGANIC B™, which we hear from other growers like yourself, is that it's triple-filtered and carefully manufactured so it flows easily in hydroponics indoor gardening irrigation systems, has a pleasant scent, is super-concentrated, and is quickly absorbed by roots no matter what type of garden you grow in.

    That's because ORGANIC B™ is the only B Vitamin formula specifically designed and tested in all the type of gardens you grow them in, including all hydroponics, sphagnum, coco coir and soil growing mediums. Plus, ORGANIC B™ has been developed for use with any and all hydroponic, aeroponic, drip irrigation, NFT, ebb and flow and continuous liquid feed growing systems.

    So no matter what type of garden or grow room you have now, you can rest assured that ORGANIC B™ is guaranteed to work in your system with no problems!

    The bottom line? ORGANIC B™ is the only B Vitamin formula designed for the types of plants you grow and the gardens you grow them in... it's the absolute best 100% organic B Vitamin formula for our types of plants... and... it's guaranteed to work in any type of high intensity lighting or garden you choose to grow in.


    You may or may not double your yield, like some of our organic growers have reported. Or you may not see your plants get bigger every single day, like other customers have told us they've seen. But... you WILL see better harvests... in fact... Advanced Nutrients completely guarantees it.

    Here's their guarantee, in the company founder's own words:


    You've seen how scientists have discovered that nutrients and fertilizers are not enough for your plants, that they need to "supplement" with vitamins too...

    You've seen how B Vitamins, specifically, help give you maximum growth and harvest harvests...
    You've discovered how ORGANIC B™ is the only B Vitamin formula designed specifically for the types of plants you grow, the gardens you grow them in, and tested and guaranteed to be the most powerful organic B Vitamin formula available...

    You've met other growers like yourself, who tried ORGANIC B™ and are loving the results.

    And you know Advanced Nutrients fully stands behind ORGANIC B™ and every other product they sell with their 100% Full Money Back Guarantee. Either you're overjoyed about the results you get in your plants-or you get all your money back.

    So why not get started today?


    If you'd agree that getting maximum growth, more colorful, more aromatic and more vigorous organic plants with your next cycle is something you'd love to see.

    If you're tired of wasting time with other synthetic or "supplemental" formulas that weren't designed for your plants or the types of gardens you grow them in...

    If you will accept nothing less than the most potent, most pure, most effective organic ingredients... combined with the most advanced methods possible of ensuring your plants more effectively use those nutrients...

    And you're convinced that only companies that fully stand behind their products with a risk-free money-back guarantee are worth your time and loyalty...

    Then there's only one logical thing to do.

    Simply go to your favorite hydroponics shop that carries Advanced Nutrients products and tell them you want to try out ORGANIC B™ completely risk-free.

    After you get home, follow the simple, step-by-step directions included to put it to the test with your plants. (Remember, this is as simple as it gets, because ORGANIC B™ is designed to work with all garden types-just add the nutrients as directed.)

    Then you can sit back and watch as your plants grow more vigorously and with more color than ever before... enjoy your finished crops with your friends... and tell them how you discovered the secrets to vitamin supplementation to create such dramatic results.

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