Jungle Juice: Abono en 3 partes - 1 Litro
Advanced Nutrients
Avaliação 4/5 baseada em 4 voto(s)
1 opinião de clienteNueva gama de nutrientes básicos en 3 partes de Advanced Nutrients con un uso idéntico a la triple fórmula tradicional. La posibilidad de ajustar cada nutriente de forma concreta permite que las plantas tomen lo que necesitan en el justo momento que lo requieren. Apto para todos los sitemas y medios de cultivo.
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Descrição do produto
Después de miles de horas y cientos de experimentos en laboratorio, Advanced Nutrients ha lanzado su nueva fórmula de nutrientes básicos en 3 partes llamada Jungle Juice, para cultivadores de cualquier nivel (aficionados o avanzados).
JUNGLE JUICE MICRO: De gran utilidad para el crecimiento de sus plantas. Este producto ofrece a sus plantas la base que necesitan nutriéndolas con cantidades precisas de nitrógeno, hierro, calcio y otros microelementos de alta calidad.
JUNGLE JUICE GROW: Contiene minerales de nitrógeno, fósforo, potasio y secundarios necesarios para el tipo deplantas que cultivamos. Estimula el crecimiento de sus plantas en la fase crucial vegetativa.
JUNGLE JUICE BLOOM: Proporciona a sus plantas el fósforo, potasio, magnesio y azufre que necesitan para lafloración de cogollos grandes y jugosos. Le ayuda a lograr un máximo rendimiento!
Cámbiese ahora mismo a Jungle Juice y ahorre hasta un 40% sobre productos similares de la competencia.
If you're tired of over-paying for generic "Building Block Nutrient Systems" that are comparable to the little $3.50 bottles of granulated fertilizers the average homeowner uses on their garden flowers...
...AND... you'd rather invest your hard earned money in a Grow, Micro, Bloom Nutrient System made specifically for the types of plants we grow and the gardens we grow them in... then...HERE'S THE GROW, MICRO, BLOOM BASE NUTRIENT BREAKTHROUGH YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR!
Until now, growers who were looking for an inexpensive, 3-Part base nutrient formula had to settle for the industry's common brand. They had to suffer because:
Most 3-Part formulas are NOT made specifically for the demands of high-profit hydroponics plant growers like us...
Many include artificial dyes of an unknown amount and a molecular structure which could harm plants like ours (compared to harmless, organic dyes)...
And when you use these common brands your plants are not getting fed the right mixture of nutrients they desperately need for vigorous growth and impressive blooms!
But now, all that is about to change...THE ANSWER IS ADVANCED NUTRIENTS' JUNGLE JUICE™!
After thousands of man-hours and hundreds of laboratory experiments, Advanced Nutrients has just released their newest 3-Part base nutrient formula for growers of all levels called JUNGLE JUICE™.
With this breakthrough formula, your plants get all the nutrients they need, exactly when they need them...
JUNGLE JUICE™ MICRO: starts your plants off right and gives them the foundation they need by feeding them high-quality Nitrogen, Iron, Calcium, and other trace elements in the precise amounts our high-profit plants demand...
JUNGLE JUICE™ GROW: provides the Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, and secondary minerals necessary for the types of plants we grow to THRIVE during the all-important vegetative phase... and...
JUNGLE JUICE™ BLOOM: gives your plants the Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium, and Sulfur they need to bloom big and juicy buds and give you the maximum yield!HERE'S 5 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD PUT JUNGLE JUICE™ TO THE ULTIMATE IN-HOME TEST WITH YOUR PLANTS, TODAY!
You'll find you save money when you compare JUNGLE JUICE™ to the industries common brand...
JUNGLE JUICE™ was designed from the ground up for growers like us and is guaranteed to meet your very specific demands and expectations for hydroponics nutrients...
JUNGLE JUICE™ is guaranteed to feed your plants the specific types of nutrients they need at every stage of their start, growth, and bloom phases...
JUNGLE JUICE™ is guaranteed to mix easily and quickly in your reservoirs...
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Opiniões de clientes (1)
Avaliação 4/5 baseada em 4 voto(s)Deve iniciar sessão para escrever comentários
- Anónimo 18/05/2017
Olá, estes 3 abonos usam se apenas em hidroponia ou em terra também se podem usar?
1 resposta(s)
Olá, estes produtos são adequados para trabalhar com eles em qualquer sistema ou meio de crescimento.