• Sensi Grow Coco A - B

    Advanced Nutrients

    Evaluation 4.4/5 basé sur 7 voix

    Fertilizante de crecimiento en dos partes. Adaptación específica para el cultivo en fibra de coco de la fórmula pH Perfect de Advanced Nutrients que mantiene el pH estable sin necesidad de control durante una semana. Contiene humectantes, ácido húmicos y fúlvicos, aminoácidos L y los nutrientes base para un crecimiento completo. Ambas partes (A y B) han de usarse conjuntamente en cada abonado.

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  • Description du produit

  • Los nutrientes base Sensi Grow Coco y Sensi Bloom Coco con la formulación pH Perfect de Advanced Nutrients permiten despreocuparse del control del pH en los cultivos en coco hasta durante una semana, manteniendo el pH en el rango adecuado.

    El coco es el sustrato ideal para los cultivadores ecológicamente conscienciados si no fuera por los frecuentes riesgos de carencias que pueden presentar las plantas. Durante años los cultivadores han estado aportando calcio y magnesio extra para que las plantas puedan prosperar con normalidad. Pero incluso cuando se usan nutrientes específicos para coco o suplementos de calcio y magnesio pueden - y suelen - aparecer defiencias misteriosas.

    El equipo de investigación de Advanced Nutrients ha dado con la pieza que faltaba del rompecabezas, el problema que presentan la mayoría de nutrientes específicos para coco: el hierro.

    De eso se trata: los cultivos de alto rendimiento no sólo necesitan calcio y magnesio adicional, también necesitan hierro. Al no conocerse este hecho muchos de los abonos para coco terminaban mostrando carencias en las plantas, pese a que el cultivo estuviera completamente controlado.

    Una vez resuelto el problema principal, la gama pH Perfect para coco elimina todos los obstáculos para un crecimiento seguro y productivo en fibra de coco. Esta nueva formulación permite desprecuparse del control del pH en el depósito por una semana al usar los nutrientes base Sensi Grow Coco y Sensi Bloom Coco. El pH se mantiene en un punto óptimo oscilando entre 5.5 y 6.3.

    Uso: 4 ml / litro de A y 4 ml / litro de B. Han de usarse conjuntamente.

    The Not So Little “Secret” To Faster Growth, Bigger Yields and Frightening Potency, Now Engineered Specifically For Coco Coir

    If you’ve been growing for a significant amount of time, you’re most likely familiar with our award-winning pH Perfect Sensi Grow & Bloom…

    These class-leading base nutrients were the result of over 109 man-hours of research by our international team of over 20 plant scientists and dozens of graduate assistants.

    It was all worth it! The pH Perfect Sensi Series has helped to win almost every major growing competition in the world…

    …And now the same proven formulation has been re-engineered specifically for coco coir growers!

    Introducing: pH Perfect Sensi Coco!

    Now, we’ve always claimed you don’t have to be an expert grower in order to get bigger, juicier, more aromatic, and more potent buds from your plants. And we stand by that claim with this new formula.

    It’s simple really when you’re running your coco garden on the same secret grand master growers have used to win every major growing competition in the world with your plants – the pH Perfect Sensi formula…

    In effect, we made it possible for even the most inexperienced coco coir rookie to start experiencing “pro level” yields and buds!

    That’s because with the pH Perfect Sensi Coco Series – almost everything is dialed in for you…

    The secret is actually the result of a major breakthrough in hydroponics technology…

    Why You Need Coco Specific Nutrients…

    pH Perfect Sensi Coco still has all the benefits of the original and in addition it’s been optimized specifically for Coco Coir growers.

    Here’s the unique science behind this development…

    It’s a known fact coco coir naturally attracts and binds to calcium and magnesium.

    This means your average nutrients will have a greater percentage of their Ca and Mg bound to the growing medium and not transported to your plants (where you want them)… potentially starving your precious crops!

    What’s more: coco coir contains high levels of naturally occurring potassium… and… if you fail to account for this already present amount of potassium your risk poisoning your plants via potassium toxicity!

    That’s why resourceful growers have been forced to get around these problems by watching their potassium levels by using so-called “coco” nutes and investing in cal-mag supplements to try and dial things in…

    However, even when using these methods, growers were still running into weird nutrient deficiencies…

    Breakthrough Science Reveals The “Missing Link” To The Coco Puzzle…

    The research team at Advanced Nutrients found the hidden flaw of most “coco” nutrients…

    As it turns out, the missing link for growing in Coco Coir is iron.

    Yes, your high-value crops not only need extra calcium and magnesium when growing in coco coir, but also extra iron.

    In fact, until recently, nobody had discovered this – it’s why other supposedly “coco friendly” nutrients can still allow deficiencies in your crop to occur, no matter how well you grow.

    This breakthrough science is the foundation of our Advanced Coco line of nutrients.

    But that’s certainly not all…

    WARNING: If Your Coco Nutrients Don’t Contain This, They Might Starve To Death…

    As we discussed, until now, because coco binds to calcium and magnesium, you had to risk starving your plants of these critical nutrients…

    Many growers tried adding extra Ca and Mg using cal-mag supplements… but it’s hard to dial in the ratios just right…

    The fact is only the highest quality, diversely chelated forms of magnesium and calcium – of the type and quality found in pH Perfect Sensi Coco – are able to deliver the nutrition your crops demand.

    Lesser forms of these important minerals can leave your plants starving, and you’d be missing out on bigger, better yields (A lot of other companies will try adding dolomite lime as a quick-fix to solve this problem, but don’t be fooled—it’s not the best solution).

    And of course, one of the biggest benefits is…

    With pH Perfect Technology, You Never Have To Adjust Your pH Levels Again!

    If you’ve ever experienced off-color leaves, slow growth or low yields with your plants… then you’ve probably noticed mysterious pH and PPM fluctuations happen at the same time.

    It’s one of the biggest obstacles to getting “Grand Master Grower” yields from your crops.

    Many growers find that manually checking and adjusting pH levels two times per day, to try to keep their plants growth stable and maximized is tiring, time consuming and one of the biggest hassles of growing.

    However, with pH Perfect Sensi Coco you’ll eliminate pH checking forever because of the proprietary “pH Perfect” technology!

    In short, as long as your water falls between 4.5 and 8.5 pH (which is pretty much everyone’s water) – this technology adjusts your pH for you and keeps it buffered there throughout your plants’ entire life cycle!

    Which means you’ll never have to manually adjust your pH… you’ll never have to worry that your plants aren’t in the premium growing environment… all you have to do is add the pH Perfect Sensi Coco Grow & Bloom to your water and the “pH Perfect” technology takes care of all that for you!

    In addition, it’s important to note that, even with the implementation of all these advanced technologies, we never sacrifice our high quality standards.

    It’s Our Highest-Quality Production Standards That Deliver The Consistent Yields You Demand…

    Advanced Nutrients manufactures 100% of our products, including our beneficial bacteria and fungi. In fact, we’re the only company with these capabilities.

    And that’s not the only thing that makes Advanced Nutrients a superior company. We have a whole host of quality standards that set us apart from the competition…

    Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment – Advanced Nutrients uses a reverse osmosis water treatment system designed and implemented by the leading German company specializing in these sophisticated water treatment systems. Our R/O water is laboratory grade (identical to the ones used at Red Bull® and Coca-Cola®), as well as 99.999999% free of all bacteria due to the post purification treatment that is part of our reverse osmosis process.

    Optimum Water Temperature – One of Advanced Nutrients’ secret weapons is the water temperature we use to develop our products. As it turns out, the specific temperature of the water can profoundly influence the solubility of the ingredients. All of Advanced Nutrients products have a specific temperature dialed in to mix with, which means your plants will get the full benefit of the product from every last drop.

    Highest Grade Ingredients – Pharmaceutical grade materials, like we use here at Advanced Nutrients, approach total purity so that… practically speaking, every milliliter of product you use is having its intended effect on the plants, each and every time. Also, it’s guaranteed to be safe for your plant and more importantly, for your consumption.

    Science – We now have the largest research and development team in the industry. In fact, we are the only hydroponics company that employs a real team of scientists—over 20 PhD’s work for us now—as well as one exceptional scientist with 3 PhD’s-one in microbiology, plant physiology and chemistry.

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      Evaluation 4.4/5 basé sur 7 voix

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