• Black Widow Regular

    Mr. Nice

    Avaliação 4/5 baseada em 4 voto(s)

    Desde 1994 esta variedad ha ganado numerosos premios y se ha hecho famosa por todo el mundo. Sus parentales son los mismos que los de la White Widow original (Brazilian Sativa x South Indian Indica) pero con un cambio a la hora de hacer las cosas. Vigorosa y muy resinosa. Floración en interior: 10 semanas; cosecha en exterior: Septiembre - Octubre. Interior - exterior.

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    • 64,60Antes: 68,00

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  • A most infamous strain that since 1994 has won a number of awards, including the High Times Cannabis Cup in 1995, and has acquired acclaim from most corners of the globe - rightly so. It has a pedigree of parentage that combines a Brazilian Sativa with a South Indian hybrid. Basically, it is the original parents of White Widow changing its colors like its company. Indoors 10 weeks of flowering will be necessary to realize the immense resin production. In the northern hemisphere expect harvest around September/October, having planted as late as June. However, there is a chance that rain could reduce the expected yield. A highly recommended strain for amateur breeders - the male being preferable.

    Heritage: Black Widow

    Category: The Naturals - Old school genetics

    Family of breed: Brazilian Sativa x South Indian Indica

    Breeder: Shantibaba's

    Preferred medium: Bio and Hydro, Indoors and outdoors/greenhouse

    Expected yield: indoors 350/450g/m2, G/h and outdoors 300/400 g/plant

    Flowering period: indoor flowering time expect approximately 8-10 weeks. Harvest date in the northern hemisphere should be by the end of Sept to the beginning of Oct and in the southern hemisphere end of March to April.

    Recommendations: for the inexperienced grower to the most advanced grower... but it is all in selection.

    Special Notes: numerous growers world wide who know how to grow will have at some time or other had this plant on their grow list. The plant is vigorous and well scented not to mention it frosts up the last weeks of the flowering cycle. Highly recommended.

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      Avaliação 4/5 baseada em 4 voto(s)

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