NORDLE Regular
Mr. Nice
Avaliação 4/5 baseada em 2 voto(s)
50% Afghan, 50 % Skunk#1. Esta variedad es un tributo al hachís afgano de los 60 y principios de los 70: pegajoso, homogéneo en su color y textura y con un sabor fuerte y picante dulce como la miel. Floración en interior: 7 - 9 semanas (algunos ejemplares están listos en 6); cosecha en exterior: mediados de Octubre. Interior - exterior.
- Mr. Nice Ver outros produtos
Descrição do produto
During the 1960’s and early 1970’s, the best hashish in the world was purchased in tea-houses in Afghanistan. Its resin was sticky, its colour and texture were pure, its tangy taste was as sweet as honey from heaven, and its high was a dreamer’s paradise. The country’s ruler, King Saber Shah, loved it. In 1973, the king was ousted. In 1979, the Russians invaded, and the country’s troubles deteriorated. So did the hashish, which soon became a clumsy mixture of a variety of resins from different plants, idly and slovenly screened, and held together by animal fat. I first smuggled Afghan hashish in 1970. For reasons I never fully understood, we referred to it over the phone as “Nordle”. The contents of this packet are designed to bring those forgotten wonders of the 1960’s into your grow-rooms and into your consciousness.
Heritage: Afghan Skunk
Category: The Naturals - Old school genetics
Family of breed: 50% Afghan, 50 % Skunk#1
Breeder: Nevil and Shantibaba
Preferred medium: Bio and Hydro, Indoors and outdoors/greenhouse
Expected yield: Due to its Afghan origins and the particular parent plants one would expect between 500-750 grams per square meter
Flowering period: Indoor flowering we found certain plants finishing in 6 weeks but this was extreme...what would be normal would be 7-9 weeks. Grown outside in the Northern Hemisphere early to mid October but watch out for rains...and mould. In the Southern Hemisphere March or early April would be expected.
Recommendations: For the inexperienced growers to the most advanced. Especially for greenhouse growers worldwide or short outdoor seasons.
Special Notes: This hybrid is probably one of the most consistently good alrounders. It has diverse uses and since it was named by Howard as a tribute to the good old days...well what more is there to add?
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Avaliação 4/5 baseada em 2 voto(s)Deve iniciar sessão para escrever comentários