• Spice Regular

    Mr. Nice

    Avaliação 3.8/5 baseada em 4 voto(s)

    Hawaiian Sativa x Hawaiian Indica, híbrido estable muy resistente con resultados excelentes en invernaderos. Recomendada tanto como para cultivadores sin experiencia como para productores avanzados. Floración en interior: 48 - 60 días; cosecha en exterior: finales de Septiembre - comienzos de Octubre.

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    • 54,15Antes: 57,00

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  • Descrição do produto

  • Spice up your life with MRS. NICE! She is bubbling with rapid growth, well endowed and an absolute beauty as her name suggests. Her pedigree has blossomed out of the union of a Hawaiian Indica x Hawaiian Sativa and is a stable hybrid that no curry eater can live without.Probably one of the most upright self supporting plants you will ever grow Spice finishes within 9 weeks but you can find a phenotype that will be ready in 7 weeks with some good selection. Spice is a good all round plant that would be welcome into any garden.This is a plant that would win a beauty show if it wore a bikini...asthetically she is a tribute to mother nature .Large sprayed out leaves, a thick strong stem and a green color deep and rich...Put some SPICE into your life!

    Heritage: Spice
    Category: The Naturals - Old school genetics
    Family of breed: Hawaiian Sativa x Hawaiian Indica
    Breeder: Nevil and Shantibaba's
    Preferred medium: Bio and Hydro, Indoors and outdoors/greenhouse
    Expected yield: indoor expect 500/600g/m2, g/h & outdoor 500+ g/plant
    Flowering period: expect indoor flowering to be completed between 48-60 days. In the northern hemisphere it should be ready by late Sep to early Oct, and in the southern hemisphere it should be ready by end of March to early part of April.
    Recommendations: for the inexperienced growers to the most advanced. Extremely hardy plant and excellent in greenhouses.
    Special Notes: a winner of hearts for its economic quick returns and tantalizing taste. A full-flavored product to be enjoyed whole-heartedly.

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      Avaliação 3.8/5 baseada em 4 voto(s)

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