• Master Kush x Skunk Regular

    Mr. Nice

    Avaliação 4/5 baseada em 5 voto(s)

    Los parentales de esta variedad han ganado numerosos premios por su particular contribución a la cultura del cannabis en las últimas décadas. Master Kush x Skunk es una excelente mezcla de genéticas puras con el sabor distintivo de la MK ganadora del concurso HTCC en 1994. Floración en interior: 7 - 9 semanas; cosecha en exterior: Septiembre - principios de Octubre. Interior - exterior.

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    • 54,15Antes: 57,00

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  • Both these plants have won multiple awards for their particular contribution to the cannabis culture over the last few decades. It is very reliable on all levels and an excellent blend of fine genetics. The origins of the parents stem from Afghan with smaller contributions arising from Thai and Mexican. Usually, the flowering time will be in the faster range of 6 weeks, but one will find certain phenotypes that will finish in 8/9 weeks. Generally the longer they go until they reach maturity, the more sativa influence will be in the plant. These plants will carry the distinct flavor of the original MK, which won the 1994 HTCC. It is a special plant in aroma and flavour and quite an easy and versatile good yielding plant. It is certainly a good option for all levels of growers. It is suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation with a good resistance to moulds. The yields to expect from this blend will be between 500-600 grams per square meter, using a 600 watt minimum source for indoor cultivation. Outdoors, the maturing flowers will need to be supported well; otherwise, they have the tendency to over weigh their stem and break - usually a good sign for those who take the time. Overall, this is an outstanding plant that can be farmed in all ways on all mediums and perform equally well. It has a particular smell, taste, and effect that make it a unique plant for almost any grower's garden.

    Heritage: Master Kush x Skunk

    Category: The Naturals - Old school genetics

    Family of breed: Hindu Kush x Hindu Kush= Master Kush x Skunk#1(Afghan-Colombia-Mexican)

    Breeder: Nevil and Shantibaba's

    Preferred medium: Bio and Hydro, Indoors and outdoors/greenhouse

    Expected yield: Indoors expect 500-600g/m2 and g/h or outdoors it should yield in excess of 450 g/plant.

    Flowering period: Indoors expect the more skunk phenotypes to be finished in 7 weeks and the others to be finished around 9 weeks maximum.Northern Hemisphere between Sep and early October, and the southern Hemisphere late March to early April.

    Recommendations: For the inexperienced growers to the most advanced cultivator.

    Special Notes: Two excellent proven strain are combined to add something reliable for medical growers and hobby farmers.

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      Avaliação 4/5 baseada em 5 voto(s)

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