• Walkabout Regular

    Mr. Nice

    Avaliação 4/5 baseada em 3 voto(s)

    Selección de cruces de Thai, Skunk, Mexican, Nueva Guinea y Haze. Aconsejada para nuevos cultivadores de exterior o invernadero que quieran probar landraces mezcladas con híbridos. Floración en exterior: Septiembre - Noviembre. Variedades recomendadas para exterior debido a la diversidad de genética Sativa o para selección de plantas específicas en interior.

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    • 21,85Antes: 23,00

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  • Descrição do produto

  • You want to go Walkabout? A selection of mixed outdoor varieties with all genetics of supreme sources including Thai, Haze, India, early Skunks, Mexicans and New Guinea. Highly recommended for those in need of a walkabout. A guaranteed recipe for outdoors or greenhouse cultivators, with its range of early finishes and a few late flowers. By the time your WALKABOUT is over you will have forgotten where you are going but you will know where you came from.

    Heritage: Walkabout

    Category: The Naturals - Old school genetics

    Family of breed: a mixture of Thai, skunk, Mexican, New Guinea and Haze

    Breeder: Shantibaba's

    Preferred medium: bio and hydro, outdoors/greenhouse

    Expected yield: indoor not recommended g/h & outdoor 450 g/plant

    Flowering period: indoor it is not recommended due to variation of sativas present but this is not a rule by any means. In the northern hemisphere it should be completed by September/October/November and in the southern hemisphere by April/May/June.

    Recommendations: For the inexperienced growers to the most advanced. Highly recommended for first-time outdoor growers

    Special Notes: A winner to those with economic budgets, looking for something from well selected landraces mixed in with hybrids.

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      Avaliação 4/5 baseada em 3 voto(s)

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