Auto Chocolate Skunk Feminized
00 Seeds
Rating 3.8/5 based on 11 vote(s)
11 customer reviewsAUTOFLORACIÓN. Planta autofloreciente procedente de un cruce de Rudelaris con un híbrido de alto rendimiento. Mantiene la buena producción (puede alcanzar los 150 cm) y el sabor intenso, dulce y afrutado de la versión feminizada. Tiempo desde la germinación hasta la cosecha: 65 - 75 días. Interior - exterior.
- Auto Critical Mass
- Indica
- 17 %
Indoor Height
- 80 - 100 cm
Outdoor Height
- 110 - 150 cm
- 400 - 450 g/m²
- 65 - 70 Days/días
- 00 Seeds View other products
Product description
Production: 400 - 450 gr / m2
Harvest from seed: 65 - 70 days
Height: 80 - 100 cmOUTDOOR:
Cultivation period: from April to November
Height: 110 - 150 cm
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Customer reviews (11)
Rating 3.8/5 based on 11 vote(s)You must sign in to write comments.
Juguito de piña y coco 2021/10/02
Germinación asegurada y genética resistente al frio
Anonymous 2021/10/01
comprei umas skunk e sabiam a gorila,,,mt estranho
Weedculturs.pt 2019/02/08
Cultivei essa planta com uma lâmpada CFL dual 125w tive bons resultados, 20g de erva seca, muito resinada , tem fotos no meu IG @weedculturs.pt
Rui 2019/02/06
são rápidas 2 meses +2 semanas no meu caso porque não tinha luz suficiente por planta, produzem bem, as minhas ficaram com cerca de 60cm cada, 3 das 4 com cheiro a pinho uma sem cheiro, fenotipos não muito homogeneos, efeito sedativo e couchlock. Por comparação a afgan mass auto takes much longer to finish from seed but the effect is more uplifting maybe from the critical mass genetics idk
Rui 2019/01/29
4/5 seeds germinated, around 60 cm plants, took around 2 months and 2 weeks to finish from seed to harvest, good production, under 600w LED, planted at same exact time with Auto afgan mass, the auto chocolate gave highter yield and finished much faster, 3 of them have a pine smell, one earthy smell, the effect is really sedative and narcotic, not a daytime cannabis, its a couchlock type of cannabis, overall I´m pretty happy.
Anonymous 2017/09/15
A germinar (15set17), vou atualizando o estado dela aqui
Anonymous 2017/06/05
Uma pergunta gostava de saber se os 60a 65 dias e crescimebto e floraçao ou so floraçao???
1 replies
TrackMarshal 2016/11/22
Sorry for those who had Bad Luck with this Strain, but...\"you\" know what can happen,
i have had luck with my seeds from kaya-thgrow, all or allmost,only one or two problems in some years,(wich they resolved !IMMEDIATELY!) and i still got the Lighters and Adhesives(that i collect!) kept here in my Room with all the Souvenirs they and others gave me, about the Gone UP in Smoke :) i was talking about the Seeds i got from this House!
Hope it stays like this or better!!!
Yeah THGrow...You Go...;)
pedrow 2016/10/24
Facil de cultivar, com bom wield e bom fumo, 4/5 Boa strain, recomendo.
Anonymous 2013/09/04
es la primera vez que cultivo esta variedad i la verdad me ha decepcionado muchismo de no son nada homogeneas de diez semillas he tenido que sacrificar dos plantas porque se quedaron bonsais despues de las 8 que quedan solo hay 4 que valen la pena no recomiendo a nadie esta varieda salen baratas pero no tienes ninguna calidad
Tito 2014/03/31
criada afuera :tamaño de la planta no muy grande lo que si se destaca la buena produccion de resina y el cogollo central muy bueno
Oi, esta informação dá o banco é apenas para floração.