• Critical Poison Fast Version Feminized

    00 Seeds

    Rating 4.9/5 based on 7 vote(s)

    4 customer reviews

    Early Critical Poison version that advances the harvest up to two weeks outdoors and is ready in record time for indoor cultivation. Fast and vigorous growing plants ideal for humid climates because of their fast harvest. Flowering indoor: 40 - 45 days; harvest outdoor: 25 to 30 August. Indoor - outdoor.

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    • 12,33Before: 14,50

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  • Product description

  • The Fast Version crosses between automatic and seasonal varieties give growers the chance to enjoy their favorite genetics and obtain an earlier harvest that avoids botrytis losses due to autumn rains in humid climates.

    THC: 18%

    Flowering time: 40 - 45 days

    Indoor production: 500 - 600 gr / m²

    Height indoors: 70 to 90 cm

    Harvest outdoors: from 25 to 30 August

    Height outdoors: 1.80 - 2.50 meters

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    • Customer reviews (4)

      Rating 4.9/5 based on 7 vote(s)

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      • Royalls_ 2024/01/31
      • esta é uma verdadeira planta fast, rápida em crescimento, bom sabor, bom THC para o tempo que demora. Nunca falha.

      • Anonymous 2022/11/23
      • Algumas podem ser machos

        1 replies

        • THGrow 2022/11/23
        • Todas las plantas derivadas de semillas feminizadas pueden resultar hermafroditas o incluso machos, es verdad que cada dia los breeders y bancos trabajan para ofrecer la mayor calidad posible y la ratio de hembras mayor posible pero siempre puede pasar que alguna planta pueda resultar hermafrodita o macho, puede pasar con esta variedad y con todas las demas. El cultivador debe estar siempre atento cuando llega la floracion para revisar sus plantas en busca de posibles flores macho, tambien hay que tener en cuenta que algunos factores del cultivo pueden favorecer esta situacion: temperatura elevada, estres luminico, baja humedad, infestacion de plagas o deficiencias de nutrientes.
      • The C 2019/09/27
      • Boazina e facil cultivo. Mais Indica apesar de ter folhas de Sativa. Relaxante. Quase só cabeças e pouca folha. Tem tendencia de ja entrar em floração com menos de 16 horas de luz devido ao gene auto, portanto tem que ser pelo menos 17/7 de luz em veg e clones 24h.

      • Daniel 2019/07/23
      • Meti hoje na terra, vamos ver o que sai daqui

        1 replies

        • Anonymous 2022/11/23
        • Era fêmea??
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