Plant Revolution

Order by:   Name| Price| Date
  • Great White Premium Mycorrhizae Granular 1
  • Great White Premium Mycorrhizae Granular 1

    Great White Granular 1 is the most affordable organic mycorrhizal product on the market. It is well suited for use in... [Read more]

    13,95Before: 15,50

  • Orca Liquid Mycorrhizae
  • Orca Liquid Mycorrhizae

    Orca is a cutting-edge liquid microbial product. The mycorrhizae build a microbial system in and on plant roots which... [Read more]

    59,48Before: 61,00

  • Great White Premium Mycorrhizae
  • Great White Premium Mycorrhizae

    Mezcla de micorrizas, bacterias y trichodermas que conviven en simbiosis con las raíces y permiten a... [Read more]

    19,71Before: 21,90

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