Barney's Farm

Barney's Farm has collected landraces genetics worldwide since the beginning of the 80s. Winner of numerous international prizes for the high quality and stability of their products, it is a leader recognized worldwide in the production of seeds at the highest level of excellence. His passion is creating new and exciting marijuana strains.

Order by:   Name| Price| Date
  • Mendo Breath Feminizada
  • Mendo Breath Feminizada

    Mendo Breath from Barney’s Farm is a 70% indica hybrid with a stable and consistent genetic profile. With 22% THC, it... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Jealousy Feminizada
  • Jealousy Feminizada

    Jealousy from Barneys Farm is a balanced hybrid (50/50) that combines the genetics of Sherbert Bx1 and Gelato 41, reaching... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • GMO Cookies Feminizada
  • GMO Cookies Feminizada

    The GMO Cookies variety from Barney's Farm is an indica-dominant hybrid (90/10) that combines genetics from Chemdawg and... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • RS11 x Banana OG Feminizada
  • RS11 x Banana OG Feminizada

    RS11 x Banana OG is a collaboration between Barney's Farm and Doja Exclusive, combining elite genetics in a high-potency... [Read more]

    40,39Before: 44,88

  • Rainbow Sherbet Feminizada
  • Rainbow Sherbet Feminizada

    Rainbow Sherbet from Barney’s Farm is a well-balanced 50% Sativa - 50% Indica hybrid, created by crossing Champagne... [Read more]

    36,45Before: 40,50

  • Trainwreck Feminizada
  • Trainwreck Feminizada

    Trainwreck is a hybrid strain with Sativa dominance (80% Sativa - 20% Indica), originating from a cross between Mexican and... [Read more]

    29,16Before: 32,40

  • Limoncello Feminizada
  • Limoncello Feminizada

    Limoncello is a powerful and refreshing hybrid strain, with 80% Sativa dominance and 20% Indica, achieving an ideal balance... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Cherry Poppers Feminizada
  • Cherry Poppers Feminizada

    Cherry Poppers, a 60% sativa-dominant hybrid, combines genetics from Lemon Kush and Cherry Zkittlez, offering high potency... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Bruce Banner Feminizada
  • Bruce Banner Feminizada

    Bruce Banner is a feminized gem that fuses the power of Strawberry Diesel with the iconic OG Kush, resulting in a mostly... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Blue Dream is a variety of female cannabis that combines the best of our famous parental strains: Blueberry and Super Silver... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Apple Fritter Feminizada
  • Apple Fritter Feminizada

    Apple Fritter is a perfect blend that combines flavour, aroma and effect into an unforgettable experience. This 50% Indica... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Lemon Cherry Gelato Feminizada
  • Lemon Cherry Gelato Feminizada

    Lemon Cherry Gelato, created in collaboration between Barneys Farm and Backpack Boyz, is an attractive... [Read more]

    67,50Before: 75,00

  • Black Cherry Gushers Feminizada
  • Black Cherry Gushers Feminizada

    Dive into the depths of Black Cherry Gushers, a 60% Indica blend combining exotic Acai with the bold Black Cherry Funk. With... [Read more]

    44,11Before: 49,01

  • Sour Diesel Auto Feminizada
  • Sour Diesel Auto Feminizada

    Genetics Sour Diesel x BF Super Auto #1Indica 40% Sativa 60% IndicaEffect Energizing, CreativeProductivity Outdoor (g)... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Purple Punch x Lemon Drizzle
  • Purple Punch x Lemon Drizzle

    Purple Punch x Lemon DrizzleThis strain is the product of botanical research that will take you to a state of euphoric... [Read more]

    31,51Before: 35,01

  • Girl Scout Cookies Feminizada
  • Girl Scout Cookies Feminizada

    OG Kush x Durban PoisonBarney's Farm presents the irresistible and seductive Girl Scout Cookies, a strain that will... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Sour Strawberry Feminized
  • Sour Strawberry Feminized

    Strawberry Kush x Sour Diesel, 60% Sativa. Híbrido equilibrado apto para todo tipo de cultivadores, gran... [Read more]

    24,30Before: 27,00

  • Runtz Feminizada
  • Runtz Feminizada

    Zkittlez x Gelato, híbrido 50% Indica / 50% Sativa. Productiva, aroma dulce y afrutado con toques... [Read more]

    31,50Before: 35,00

  • OG Kush Auto Feminizada
  • OG Kush Auto Feminizada

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. OG Kush x BF Super Auto #1, 80% Indica. Productiva, potente y fácil de... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • OG Kush Feminized
  • OG Kush Feminized

    Chemdawg x Lemon Thai x Hindu Kush, 70% Indica. Se adapta bien tanto a cultivos de interior como de exterior. Destaca en su... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Lemon Haze Auto Feminized
  • Lemon Haze Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Lemon Haze x BF Super Auto #1, 70% Sativa. Sabor cítrico, especiado y refrescante con un fondo... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Lemon Drizzle Feminized
  • Lemon Drizzle Feminized

    Super Lemon Haze x OG Kush, 85% Sativa. Pese a ser una variedad muy Sativa, el banco de semillas ha conseguido un periodo de... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Ice Cream Cake Feminized
  • Ice Cream Cake Feminized

    Gelato #33 x Wedding Cake, 70% Indica. Variedad resinosa, productiva y fácil de cultivar. Perfecta... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • GMO Auto Feminized
  • GMO Auto Feminized

    GMO Auto es una Indica dominante procedente de un cruce entre GMO y BF Super Auto #1, vigorosa, resistente y con un... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • GMO Feminized
  • GMO Feminized

    Chemdawg x Girl Scout Cookies, 90% Indica. Cruce productivo y potente, con buen porte. Ideal tanto para... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Gelato Feminized
  • Gelato Feminized

    Blue Sunset Sherbert x Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies, 60% Indica. Variedad productiva y potente con un aroma... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Cookies Kush Auto Feminized
  • Cookies Kush Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Cookies Kush x BF Super Auto #1, 70% Indica. Rápida y productiva, con una... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Cheese Auto Feminized
  • Cheese Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Cheese x BF Super Auto #1, 70% Indica. Ideal para maximizar la producción en... [Read more]

    35,10Before: 39,00

  • Biscotti Feminized
  • Biscotti Feminized

    Gelato x Girl Scout Cookies x OG Kush, 80% Indica. Detaca su sabor equilibrado, donde pueden encontrarse aromas... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Pineapple Express Feminized
  • Pineapple Express Feminized

    Hawaiian Landrace Sativa x Trainwreck, 60% Sativa. Híbrido productivo, potente y muy resinoso.... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Mimosa x Orange Punch Auto Feminized
  • Mimosa x Orange Punch Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Mimosa Evo x Orange Punch x BF Super Auto #1, 60% Indica. Variedad compacta y muy robusta que florece... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Runtz x Layer Cake Feminized
  • Runtz x Layer Cake Feminized

    Runtz x Layer Cake, híbrido 50% Indica / 50% Sativa. Cruce fácil de cultivar que se adapta bien a las... [Read more]

    31,50Before: 35,00

  • White Widow XXL Auto Feminizada
  • White Widow XXL Auto Feminizada

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Brazilian x South Indian x BF Super Auto #1, Indica dominante. Versión autofloreciente por... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • White Widow XXL Feminized
  • White Widow XXL Feminized

    Brazilian x South Indian, Indica dominante. Revisión por parte del banco de semillas Barney's Farm del... [Read more]

    35,10Before: 39,00

  • Gelato no.45 Feminized
  • Gelato no.45 Feminized

    Sunset Sherbet x Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies, 60% Indica. Variedad productiva y fácil de cultivar... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Kush Mintz Feminizada
  • Kush Mintz Feminizada

    Himalayan OG Kush x Critical x Mintz, 70% Indica. Cruce compacto, resistente y extremadamente resinoso. Cultivo... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Banana Punch Feminized
  • Banana Punch Feminized

    Banana OG x Purple Punch, 55% Indica. Fuerte, resistente y versátil, se adapta bien a las distintas... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Strawberry Cheesecake Auto Feminized
  • Strawberry Cheesecake Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Strawberry Pie x Afghan OG x BF Super Auto #1, 75% Indica. Cruce vigoroso, resinoso, productivo y... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Amnesia Haze Auto Feminized
  • Amnesia Haze Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Amnesia Haze x BF Super Auto #1, 80% Sativa. Versión autofloreciente y de fácil... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Moby Dick Auto Feminized
  • Moby Dick Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Moby Dick x BF Super Auto #1, 70% Sativa. Versión automática de una de las... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Watermelon Zkittlez Auto Feminized
  • Watermelon Zkittlez Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Watermelon Zkittlez x BF Super Auto #1, 60% Indica. Variedad fácil de cultivar con alto... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Lemon Tree Feminized
  • Lemon Tree Feminized

    Lemon Skunk x Sour Diesel, 55% Indica. Híbrido equilibrado fácil de cultivar, productivo y muy... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Watermelon Zkittlez Feminized
  • Watermelon Zkittlez Feminized

    Watermelon x Zkittlez, 55% Indica. Híbrido equilibrado y productivo que produce abundantes colas repletas de... [Read more]

    31,50Before: 35,00

  • Mimosa x Orange Punch Feminized
  • Mimosa x Orange Punch Feminized

    Mimosa Evo x Orange Punch, 65% Sativa. Este cruce mantiene la potencia y la producción de Mimosa Evo pero sin llegar... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Blue Sunset Sherbert Feminized
  • Blue Sunset Sherbert Feminized

    Sunset Sherbet x Purple Punch, 65% Sativa. Plantas muy ramificadas, fáciles de cultivar y extraordinariamente... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Biscotti Mintz Feminized
  • Biscotti Mintz Feminized

    Biscotti x Mintz, 80% Indica. Cogollos densos, gran producción de resina y aroma especial a galletas... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Moby Dick Feminized
  • Moby Dick Feminized

    White Widow x Haze, 75% Sativa. Versión del banco de semillas Barney's Farm del conocido cruce español.... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Bubba Kush Feminized
  • Bubba Kush Feminized

    Afghan Kush Landrace x OG Kush, 70% Indica. Plantas fáciles de cultivar, compactas, productivas y muy... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Cheese Feminized
  • Cheese Feminized

    Cheese es un clásico a nivel a nivel mundial que apenas requiere presentación, con un característico... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Skywalker OG Auto Feminized
  • Skywalker OG Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Skywalker OG x BF Super Auto #1, 75% Indica. Fácil de cultivar, con estructura... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Runtz Auto Feminized
  • Runtz Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Runtz x BF Super Auto #1, 70% Indica. Las plantas se mantienen fieles a la genética Runtz... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Runtz Muffin Feminized
  • Runtz Muffin Feminized

    Zkittlez x Gelato 33 x Orange Punch. Indica dominante fácil de cultivar. Productiva, resinosa... [Read more]

    31,50Before: 35,00

  • Gorilla Glue Auto Feminized
  • Gorilla Glue Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Gorilla Glue x BF Super Auto #1. Esta Indica dominante es una versión automática de... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Wedding Cake Auto Feminized
  • Wedding Cake Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Wedding Cake x BF Super Auto #1, Indica dominante. Planta compacta de entrenudos cortos con... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Gorilla Zkittlez Auto Feminized
  • Gorilla Zkittlez Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Gorilla Glue x Zkittlez x BF Super Auto #1, Indica dominante. Resistente al estrés y las... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Dos Si Dos Auto Feminized
  • Dos Si Dos Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Dos Si Dos x BF Super Auto #1, Indica dominante. Mantiene las características de los parentales... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Mimosa Evo Feminized
  • Mimosa Evo Feminized

    Purple Punch x Clementine, 70% Sativa. From the famous Symbiotic Genetics cutting, Barney's has developed this dominant... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Wedding Cake Feminized
  • Wedding Cake Feminized

    Cheerry Pie x Girl Scout Cookies x OG Kush, 80% Indica. Easy to grow plants that produce lots of resin and... [Read more]

    31,50Before: 35,00

  • Dos Si Dos 33 Feminized
  • Dos Si Dos 33 Feminized

    Dos Si Dos x Gelato #33, 60% Indica. En este cruce el equipo de Barney's ha seleccionado lo más renombrado de la... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Tropicanna Banana Feminized
  • Tropicanna Banana Feminized

    Tropicanna (GSC x Tangie) x Banana Kush, 60% Sativa. Híbrido resistente de fácil cultivo que destaca... [Read more]

    31,50Before: 35,00

  • Purple Punch Auto Feminized
  • Purple Punch Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Cruce entre Purple Punch y la selección de Auto Critical realizada por Barney's. Se trata... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Purple Punch Feminized
  • Purple Punch Feminized

    Granddaddy Purple x Larry OG, 90% Indica. Planta corta y robusta, con numerosas ramas que ofrecerán productivas... [Read more]

    31,50Before: 35,00

  • Glookies Feminized
  • Glookies Feminized

    Gorilla Glue x Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies, 70% Indica. Planta compacta de tamaño medio que produce densos cogollos... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Zkittlez OG Auto Feminized
  • Zkittlez OG Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Zkittlez x OG Kush x Auto, híbrido 50% / 50%. Este cruce combina los mejores sabores frutales y... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Glue Gelato Auto Feminized
  • Glue Gelato Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Gorilla Glue x Gelato x Auto, 60% Indica. Selección de clones élite de la Costa Oeste de... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • LSD Auto Feminized
  • LSD Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. LSD x Super Magnum Auto, 70% Indica. Fácil de cultivar, es resistente a situaciones adversas... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Strawberry Lemonade Feminized
  • Strawberry Lemonade Feminized

    Strawberry x Lemon OG, 60% Sativa. Variedad productiva, resistente y fácil de cultivar. Destaca por... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Gorilla Zkittlez Feminized
  • Gorilla Zkittlez Feminized

    Gorilla Glue #4 x Zkittlez, 60% Indica. Cruce de las dos variedades de moda actualmente en la costa oeste de Estados Unidos... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Blue Gelato 41 Feminized
  • Blue Gelato 41 Feminized

    Blueberry x Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies x S Sherbert, 60% Indica. Cruce comercial de alto rendimiento... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • CBD Caramel Regular
  • CBD Caramel Regular

    70% Indica, Brazilian x Himalaya x Afghan x CBD Enriched. Variedad con alto contenido de CBD y un ratio CBD:THC de... [Read more]

    56,10Before: 66,00

  • CBD Lemon Potion Auto Feminized
  • CBD Lemon Potion Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Desarrollo conjunto entre Barney's Farm y CBD Crew partiendo de una Lemon Kush. Es una variedad... [Read more]

    67,50Before: 75,00

  • Peyote Critical Feminized
  • Peyote Critical Feminized

    80% Indica, Peyote Purple x Critical Kush. Variedad de altura media resistente a plagas y hongos. ‎Fácil... [Read more]

    27,00Before: 30,00

  • Blueberry OG Feminized
  • Blueberry OG Feminized

    BlueBerry x OG Kush, 70% Indica. Fruto del cruce de dos de las más renomabradas genéticas del mundo, esta... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Critical Kush Auto Feminized
  • Critical Kush Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Indica dominante, versión automática del famoso cruce de Critical Mass... [Read more]

    22,50Before: 25,00

  • Ayahuasca Purple Feminized
  • Ayahuasca Purple Feminized

    Red River Delta x Master Kush. 100% Indica, variedad con estructura compacta y robusta que adquiere tonos violetas al final... [Read more]

    28,51Before: 31,68

  • Cookies Kush Feminized
  • Cookies Kush Feminized

    Girl Scout Cookies x Rolex OG Kush, Indica ganadora de la Cannabis Cup 2014. En este cruce se busca el equilibrio entre la... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • Triple Cheese Feminized
  • Triple Cheese Feminized

    Resultado del cruce de una Blue Cheese de corta floración (8 semanas) con una potente Original Cheese y alrededor de... [Read more]

    24,30Before: 27,00

  • Blue Cheese Auto Feminizada (Blueberry Cheese)
  • Blue Cheese Auto Feminizada (Blueberry Cheese)

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Genética: BFR1 / Blue Cheese. Indica que está lista en 65 - 75 días desde que... [Read more]

    24,30Before: 27,00

  • CBD Critical Cure Feminized
  • CBD Critical Cure Feminized

    Para ofrecer al mercado variedades con niveles de CBD todavía más altos, Barney's Farm y CBD Crew... [Read more]

    41,40Before: 46,00

  • Critical Kush Feminized
  • Critical Kush Feminized

    Critical Mass x OG Kush. Indica extremadamente vigorosa con excelente relación cálices - hojas y abundante... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Liberty Haze Feminized
  • Liberty Haze Feminized

    G13 Haze x Chem Dawg 99, híbrido Indica / Sativa con un periodo de floración corto y buena producción.... [Read more]

    27,00Before: 30,00

  • Pineapple Express Auto Feminized
  • Pineapple Express Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. Ruderalis X Skunk #1 X Cheese. Aroma dulce y afrutado. Floración: 60 - 65 días desde la... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Tangerine Dream Feminized
  • Tangerine Dream Feminized

    G13 x Neville A5 Haze cruzada de nuevo con G13. Sativa dominante con aromas cítricos, ramificación abundante.... [Read more]

    27,00Before: 30,00

  • Acapulco Gold Feminized
  • Acapulco Gold Feminized

    Híbrido legendario procedente de América central. Florece con cogollos centrales firmes y gruesos, con hojas... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Pineapple Chunk Feminized
  • Pineapple Chunk Feminized

    Indica dominante, aroma a Cheese y Skunk. Plantas vigorosas, resistencia al moho. Cosecha en interior: 55 - 60 días... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Amnesia Lemon Feminized
  • Amnesia Lemon Feminized

    Amnesia Haze x Lemon Skunk, 80% Sativa. Proyecto colaborativo entre el banco de Barney's y el legendario Soma, que... [Read more]

    26,14Before: 29,04

  • LSD Feminized
  • LSD Feminized

    Skunk x Mazar, principalmente Indica. Floración en interior: 60 55 días; cosecha en exterior: mediados de... [Read more]

    33,27Before: 36,97

  • Blue Cheese Feminizada (Blueberry Cheese)
  • Blue Cheese Feminizada (Blueberry Cheese)

    Original Cheese x Blueberry, 80% Indica. Fácil de cultivar, produce enormes cosechas de cogollos aromáticos y... [Read more]

    41,40Before: 46,00

  • Orange Sherbert Feminized
  • Orange Sherbert Feminized

    Orange Cream x Purple Urkle x Cherry Pie, híbrido potente y vigoroso fácil de cultivar.... [Read more]

    31,50Before: 35,00

  • Pink Kush Feminized
  • Pink Kush Feminized

    Selección de OG Kush, 100% Indica. Este cruce destaca por sus impresionantes tonos rosados y... [Read more]

    24,30Before: 27,00

  • Shiskaberry Feminized
  • Shiskaberry Feminized

    Blueberry x Afghan, 100% Indica. Variedad de fácil cultivo y alta producción... [Read more]

    22,50Before: 25,00

    • Not available

  • Tangerine Dream Auto Feminized
  • Tangerine Dream Auto Feminized

    AUTOFLORACIÓN. 80% Indica, versión auto de la famosa variedad de Barney's Farm. Conserva el sabor... [Read more]

    22,50Before: 25,00

  • Peyote Cookies Feminized
  • Peyote Cookies Feminized

    Peyote Purple x Cookies Kush, Indica dominante. Variedad resistente a moho y hongos, las plantas crecen vigorosas con una... [Read more]

    27,00Before: 30,00

  • G13 Haze Feminized
  • G13 Haze Feminized

    G13 x Hawaiian Sativa, 80% Sativa. Cruce que produce generosas cosechas con cogollos especialmente resinosos y compactos.... [Read more]

    27,00Before: 30,00

    • Not available

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