
Order by:   Name| Price| Date
  • Caramelos Cannamints Energy Tablets
  • Caramelos Cannamints Energy Tablets

    Made with dextrose to provide a quick and natural energy boost wherever it is needed. 100% natural and 100% THC free. Each... [Read more]

    1,14Before: 1,20

  • Piruletas Cannabis Lollipop (10 unidades)
  • Piruletas Cannabis Lollipop (10 unidades)

    Tira de 10 piruletas con sabor a cannabis, fabricadas en la Unión Europea con extracto de semillas de cannabis. Sin... [Read more]

    6,18Before: 6,50

    • Not available

  • Candies on Stick (Hemp) - Hempops
  • Candies on Stick (Hemp) - Hempops

    The classic sweet, with real hemp aroma and perfect green flavor. [Read more]

    0,48Before: 0,50

    • Not available

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