Sylic Booster
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Potassium Silicate Suspension that Strengthens Plant Tissues for Root and/or Foliar Application.
Produces Thick and Vigorous Stems and Branches that are able to Support Large Buds without Bending or Breaking.
In the plant's root system, it helps to form a greater number of absorbent root hairs, which promotes healthy growth and Greater Nutrient Absorption.
Increases the crop's tolerance to adverse conditions and the plant's resistance to various physical damages or those caused by pests and diseases, creating Stronger and More Resistant cell walls.
- Cannotecnia View other products
Product description
Use at the indicated dosages and at weekly intervals.IRRIGATION:
0.25 ml per liter of irrigation water or 2.5 ml per 10 liters of water.FOliar:
1 to 2 ml per liter of water and spray the entire plant well.COMPOSITION:
Potassium Oxide (K2O): 10.00 %
Silicon Dioxide (SiO2): 23.00 %
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