• Shit Regular

    Mr. Nice

    Rating 4.4/5 based on 5 vote(s)

    Skunk#1 (Dom. Afghan) x Skunk#1. Absolutamente clásica y original, ha ganado muchos galardones. Es una apuesta segura para los cultivadores novatos de cualquier medio. Floración en interior: 40 - 50 días; cosecha en exterior: principio de Octubre. Interio

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  • Product description

  • La cosecha será extremadamente substancial, con unas expectativas de 550-659 gramos por metro cuadrado. El tiempo de finalización será en 45 días desde las primeras apariciones de floración en la planta. Se estima la cosecha desde finales de Septiembre hasta principios de Octubre en el hemisferio norte y en el sur, a finales de Abril. Es una raza verdaderamente probada desde los años ochenta.

    An absolute classic and original Skunk/Afghani that has won more awards than you have had hot dinners! It is a sure-bet for the first time cultivators of either interior ,exterior or glasshouse growers. The yield will be extremely substantial with expectations between 550-650 grams per square meter. The finishing time will be within 45 days once the flowering appears on the plant. Expect harvest in late September to early October in the northern hemisphere and in the southern hemisphere by the end of April. A proven true breed since the 80's. Bred by the original breeder and founder of the original seed bank.

    Heritage: Shit

    Category: The Naturals - Old school genetics

    Family of breed: Skunk#1 (Dom. Afghan) x Skunk#1

    Breeder: Nevil and Shantibaba's

    Preferred medium: Bio and Hydro, Indoors and outdoors/greenhouse

    Expected yield: indoor expect 550-650 g/m2 G/h & outdoor +/- 500 g/plant

    Flowering period: Expected indoor flowering time is between 40-50 days. In the northern hemisphere it will be completed by Sep. to early Oct. and in the southern hemisphere by late March to early April.

    Recommendations: For the inexperienced growers to the most advanced. Extremely hardy plant and excellent in greenhouses.

    Special Notes: It is one of the best all round plants to grow and flower since its flowering cycle is +/- 7 weeks in all types of grows especially suited to greenhouses.

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