• Skunk 1 Regular

    Sensi Seeds

    Rating 4/5 based on 1 vote(s)

    2 customer reviews

    High production hybrid, vigorous, with indica type structure but larger. Flowering indoor: 45-50 days; Harvest outdoors: mid-October. Indoor - Outdoor.

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    • 25,60Before: 32,00

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  • Product description

  • The strain that changed the face of cannabis culture across the world continues to amaze weed-lovers more than a quarter-century after her release! The original Skunk hybrids fused traditional cultivars from Central and South America, Afghanistan and Thailand. Through generations of intensive selection and back-crossing, the very best examples of Skunk were stabilised into the first true-breeding Indica-Sativa hybrid - the classic Indica-dominant Skunk #1.

    The potency of this branch of the cannabis family tree is so notorious that ‘skunk’ is often used as a name for any powerful ganja. Breeders regard Skunk #1 as the benchmark of uniform, reliable performance and her rock-solid genotype has influenced a hundred modern hybrids. Skunk#1’s energetic performance and bountiful yields demonstrate the true meaning of hybrid vigour. Growth and flowering are mostly-Indica in appearance, with Skunk #1 gaining a little more height than a pure Indica when blooming. The extra-dark green of this strain’s leaves comes from her Afghanica ancestors and contrasts sharply with her lime-green growing tips.

    Flowering is very fast and Skunk #1 produces robust stems and branches to support her superior yields. Short internodal gaps quickly close when her nodes explode into dense, rounded flower clusters which merge into huge, heavy terminal buds by the end of the blooming phase. Fan leaves can show many shades of colour at the end of flowering, as plants focus their energy on bud formation and resin production

    Sativa heritage is most apparent in Skunk #1’s beautiful calyxes, long, profuse pistils and her habit of expanding bud-growth in all directions as harvest time approaches. Sativa also has a wonderful influence on Skunk #1’s potency and effect - a stunning combination of stone and high.

    Indoor flowering: 45-50 days.
    Outdoor flowering: mid October.

    Indoor high: 120-150 cm
    Outdoor high: 150-300 cm

    Indoor yield: up to 100 gr.
    Outdoor Yield: up to 500 gr.

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    • Customer reviews (2)

      Rating 4/5 based on 1 vote(s)

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      • tompaipai 2018/10/23
      • Semillas toppppp
        Nao sei o que fazem as sementes....
        A mim todas nascem.....
        Nota 10

      • Tito 2014/05/22
      • de las 10 del sobre solo brotaron 4 de las cuales no llegaron a 1 cm de tamaño,quedaron estancadas,he criado varias especies pero esta es malisima,mala genetica y malas semillas.exigiria una devolucion de mi dinero por esta compra. [Respuesta] Si tienes problemas con las semillas, ponte en contacto con nosotros cuanto antes (si aun no lo has hecho) para que podamos solucionar el problema. Siempre intentamos solucionar los problemas con las semillas, ya sea cambiándolas o devolviendo el importe de las mismas. De todas maneras, debes saber que nosotros no fabricamos las semillas sino Sensi Seeds en este caso, aun asi, nosotros somos los que te las hemos proporcionado y por lo tanto los que te debemos darte una solución. Saludos! Kaya.es

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