• Tropicanna Poison F1 Fast Version Feminized

    Sweet Seeds

    Rating 4.3/5 based on 4 vote(s)

    2 customer reviews

    Tropicanna Cookies x Red Poison Auto. Fast version of Tropicanna Cookies, it produces easy to grow plants, resistant to humidity and ideal for resin extraction. Flowering time indoors: 6 - 7 weeks; harvest time outdoors: end of August - beginning of September Indoor - outdoor.

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    • 23,80Before: 28,00

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  • Product description

  • Fast version of Tropipcanna Cookies (Girl Scout Cookies x Tangie), one of the most powerful versions of the Cookies family and one of the most famous in the USA. It is the result of a cross between a selected elite clone of Tropicanna Cookies and the auto-flowering Red Poison Auto.

    The Sweet Seeds seed bank presents a fast, highly productive and resinous hybrid. During flowering it is normal for the plants to turn purple if temperatures drop during the night. It can reach up to 24% THC and has very high levels of terpenes.

    The aroma of Tropicanna Poison F1 Fast Version is very sweet, intense and dense, and you can appreciate shades of mango, earthy and woody hints and a slight Skunk background.

    Type: 60% Indica

    Indoor production: up to 450 - 600 gr / m²

    Outdoor production: up to 450 - 650 grams per plant

    Flowering time indoors: 6 - 7 weeks

    Harvest outside: end of August - beginning of September

    Effect: psychoactive, stimulating, relaxing

    Taste: sweet, mango, earthy, woody and Skunk flavour

    THC: 16 - 24%

    CBD: 0.1%

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    • Customer reviews (2)

      Rating 4.3/5 based on 4 vote(s)

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      • Anonymous 2022/01/27
      • Hola o cultivo pode ser feito fora deste periodo em indoor (6 - 7 semanas; colheita exterior: final de Agosto - início de Setembro. Interior)? Gracias

        1 replies

        • THGrow 2022/01/28
        • Las variedades fast version no son autoflorecientes, hay que tratarlas como plantas fotodependientes, en indoor se pueden cultivar como las normales, con los ciclos de luz diferenciados, en exterior seguir las recomendaciones de cultivo de plantas fotodependientes.
      • Anonymous 2022/01/24
      • Plantas com uma produçao decente, crescimento e maturaçao rapido. Planta muito bonita e cheirosa, tanto viva como depois de colhida. Sabor frutado, doce com um skunk no exhale..
        O sabor e a beleza sao so pontos fortes da planta, tal como a sua rapidez de floração. A produçao eu diria um pouco media-baixa mas de grande qualidade.

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