Black Square Pot
Rating 3.3/5 based on 12 vote(s)
1 customer reviewThe square pots allow to optimize the space in the cultures, being black pots those recommended for greenhouses or places where the pot does not receive a direct and excessive source of light.
Product description
Square pots with a raised bottom for easy drainage and maximum use of greenhouse space.
Capacity of each pot.
- 7x7x8 cms: 0.23 litres
- 9x9x9,5 cms: 0,55 litres
- 11x11x12 cms: 0,7 litres
- 13x13x13 cms: 1,65 litres
- 15x15x20 cms: 3 litres
- 18x18x25,5 cms: 5,5 litres
- 20x20x27,5 cms: 7 litres
- 23x23x27,5 cms: 10 litres
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Customer reviews (1)
Rating 3.3/5 based on 12 vote(s)You must sign in to write comments.
_\\\\\\\\|/_ 2017/09/26
Gostaria de saber se elas ja vem com os pratos ! Obrigado !
1 replies
Oi, este produto é somente o pote, os pratos quadrado ou redondos são outros produtos que voçe debe encomendar tambem si for necessario.