• Afghan Skunk Feminized

    Advanced Seeds

    Rating 3.9/5 based on 8 vote(s)

    5 customer reviews

    Afghan skunk is a robust and productive hybrid with an intense aroma and a strong flavor. This variety is resistant and easy to grow. It has big and dense buds with nuances of red fruits and a slightly acid touch. Flowering indoor: 50 - 60 days; harvest outdoors: mid-October. Indoor - Outdoor.

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  • Product description

  • Afghan Skunk is one of the last Advanced Seeds hybrids. It is a cross between a selection of Afghan genetics with a veteran mother of Skunk.

    It is a robust plant with an excellent production level both outdoors and indoors.

    Flowering takes a little more than two months. Then the plant develops big and dense buds with an intense aroma. The taste is sweet and long lasting with nuances of red fruits and a slightly acid touch.

    Since it comes from Skunk heritage, this plant can resist to adverse conditions like plagues or unstable climates. It is easy to cultivate because it grows well with any substrate. Considering it medium size, it fits perfectly both indoors (with a large amount of plants) and outdoor crops (with 2 or 3 meters plants). In outdoor crops in areas with cold weather it can develop red and purple colours at the end of the flowering.

    Genética: híbrido Indica / Sativa
    Rendimiento: 400 - 500 gr / m2
    THC: 17%
    Altura en interior: 70 - 100 cm
    Altura en exterior: 2 - 3 m
    Floración en interior: 50 - 60 dias
    Cosecha en exterior: mediados de Octubre

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    • Customer reviews (5)

      Rating 3.9/5 based on 8 vote(s)

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      • Anonymous 2020/03/28
      • Comprei uma semente esta a 4 dias e ainda não germinou. Está a demorar muito tempo. Espero que germine. Senão acaba por ser perda de tempo e dinheiro. É normal demorar tanto? Abraço

        1 replies

        • THGrow 2021/09/09
        • Olá, as sementes podem demorar até 10 dias para germinar, dependendo do método e da temperatura ambiente, recomendamos que você dê uma olhada no artigo que trata desse assunto em nosso blog, link anexo.\\r\\nSe continuar a ter problemas, recomendamos que nos contacte através do email [email protected]


          Hola, las semillas pueden llegar a tardar hasta 10 dias en germinar, dependiendo del metodo y temperatura ambiente, te recomendamos echar un vistazo al articulo que trata este tema en nuestro blog, adjunto enlace.\\r\\nsi sigues teniendo problemas te recomendamos que te pongas en contacto con nosotros a traves del correo electronico [email protected]

      • Anonymous 2020/03/07
      • So dissapointed with this breeder really looked foward to watching these flower out so far 3 out of the 5 have hermied on me 3 week of flower ffs .

      • Anonymous 2018/01/11
      • Impresionante planta, resistente a las condiciones más extremas de temperatura (en verano mi grow room llegaba a los 37 grados) Deliciosa de sabor y excelentes efectos pdicoactivos además de muy productiva

      • Anonymous 2017/10/11
      • Semente germinou em 3 dias , comprei apenas uma semente para experimentar.. saiu u macho , planta forte e resistente.. pena ter saido macho .

      • Anonymous 2015/02/26
      • comprei 3 sementes ,coloquei para germinar , vamos ver o que vai dar Ps, notei que as 3 semente estavam de cor pastosa , e todas flutuarão na agua , não sei se é normal ,

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