• Delta Boost


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    Powerful biostimulant with a high amount of elicitors that increase and accelerate flowering, yield and quality of crops.
    Its use is recommended when you want to increase the quantity and quality of terpenes and cannabinoids present in the flowers of the cannabis plant, especially THC. Perfect for maximizing the production and quality of your cannabis crops.

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    • 4,28Before: 4,50

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  • Product description

    It can be used in irrigation or spraying from the third week of the Flowering Phase at the following doses:
    – Foliar Application: 1.5 to 2 ml.
    per liter of water.
    – Root Application: 2 ml. per liter of water.

    Nitrógeno Total (N): 1,00 % p/p
    Anhídrido Fosfórico (P2O5): 7,00 % p/p
    Óxido de Potasio (K2O): 3,00 % p/p
    Aminoácidos Libres: 5,60 % p/p
    Vitaminas: Betacaroteno, Tocoferol (E), Tiamina (B1), Riboflamina (B2), Niacina (B3), Biotina (H), Piridoxina (B6), Cianobalamina (B12), Ácido Fólico, Hidrolizado de Algas Spirulinas, Ácidos Grasos Esenciales: Gamma Linolénico, Palmítico, Esteárico, Oleico, Palmitoleico, Palmitolinoleico.

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