• Devil Regular

    Mr. Nice

    Rating 4.4/5 based on 5 vote(s)

    Afghan x Afghan/Skunk, recomendada tanto para los cultivatores principiantes como para los mas experimentados. Variedad afrutada con un crecimiento inicial lento que se dispara en tener una buena base de raíces. Floración en interior: 8 semanas; cosecha en exterior: finales de Septiembre - comienzos de Octubre. Interior - exterior.

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    • 54,15Before: 57,00

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  • Product description

  • The definitive plant for those interested in outdoors/greenhouses. Due to its Afghani pedigree, taste, reddish aura, and magical mind journey tendencies, this plant provides quite a wonderful therapy. No one can be unhappy possessing this nice devil (and a righteous one at that). It has a genetic make-up of Afghan x Afghan/Skunk and shows initial slow growth until it has an established root ball. Then watch out, brothers and sisters. Definitely recommended for the first time growers... go on be a devil and use those horns.

    Heritage: Devil
    Category: The Naturals - Old school genetics
    Family of breed: Afghan x Afghan/Skunk
    Breeder: Shantibaba's
    Preferred medium: Bio and Hydro, Indoors and outdoors/greenhouse
    Expected yield: indoor 450-550g/m2 g/h & outdoor 450-600 g/plant
    Flowering period: flowering time indoor, expect 8 weeks but it is possible there are some that will take longer. In the Northern Hemisphere , especially for the greenhouses, it should be ready end of September early October. In the southern hemisphere it should be ready by the end of March early April.
    Recommendations: for the inexperienced growers to the most advanced cultivator.
    Special Notes: a winner to many outdoor growers since the late 80's. Produces a red aura and full fruity flavor to the consumers.

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