All information you need to grow indoor, outdoor or guerrilla. Cannabis strains reviews. Tips and tricks to detect and combat pests and diseases. All new installment and technologies for your crop. News about fertilizers and grow technology.
In this post we will explain some of the most common macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies that can destabilize a crop, how to detect them and some ways to prevent it.
Continue readingEn este post vamos a explicar que es un esqueje y como podemos satisfactoriamente producir la clonación de plantas de cannabis mediante esquejes.
Continue readingIn this post we will see how to grow a crop without soil, using only a substrate (hydroponics) or in an aerial environment (aeroponics) to improve the harvest of cannabis and its different variants.
Continue readingThe first days of life of a marijuana plant are very important for its future development. To cultivate this plant successfully, it is essential to know the process of germination of cannabis seeds perfectly.
Continue readingOne of the most important decisions to make when planning a cannabis crop is the selection of the substrate. The soil is an ideal choice if you want to obtain a high quality herb using organic fertilizers. In this post we give you the keys to choose the most appropriate soil for your crop.
Continue readingWe will explain how we should approach the growth phase of our plant in a correct way in outdoor as in indoor cultivation. We will also explain the different types of pruning that exist.
Continue readingEn este post vamos a compartir con vosotros cómo realizar el sexado de la planta de cannabis y la forma adecuada para desarrollar el potencial de la floración tanto en cultivo exterior e interior con el objetivo de recoger una cosecha abundante y de alta calidad.
Continue readingCuando llega la hora de la cosecha nos asaltan muchas dudas, ya que después de haber hecho un cultivo laborioso y con mucho mimo llega el momento clave para saber cómo debemos proceder. En este post vamos a dar los trucos necesarios para que cortar, secar y curar la planta sea lo más eficiente posible y poder disfrutar del sabor, efecto y aroma de nuestra hierba.
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