Cannabis Deficiencies and Diseases
Pests and diseases

Deficiencies and Diseases
All plants, whether indoor or outdoor, may have macronutrient and micronutrient deficiencies or excesses. We define deficiency when the plant lacks some type of nutrient and excess when the salts are accumulated in the plant's metabolism.
To prevent these problems we must use a good substrate (read post on how to choose the soil for your cannabis crop) and adjust the pH and EC levels in the hydroponic culture.
It is recommended not to exceed the doses and frequencies recommended by the manufacturer neither to mix different products in the same irrigation. It is better to apply only one product in each irrigation. For this, it is important to properly plan the crop and its irrigations.
If we observe a fertilization excess, the first thing we should do is to wash the soil applying the triple capacity of the pot. For example, if we have 5 liters of soil, we multiply it by 3 and we should use 15 liters of water to wash it.
The nutrients that plants need are divided into two groups:
- Macronutrients (Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K)): These are essential for plant development. Nitrogen is necessary for the growth phase and phosphorus and potassium for flowering.
- Micronutrients (Iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn) and Magnesium (Mg)): These are included in any basic fertilizer, although they can be purchased specifically and are needed in smaller quantities (Diamond Nectar, Bioheaven...).
All cannabis-specific fertilizer ranges contain the macronutrients and micronutrients that plants need, whether of mineral or organic origin.
Sometimes it is difficult to diagnose the problem because several factors can occur at the same time. It is also possible that an excess or deficiency is caused by another decompensated element. For example, too much chlorine can lead to iron deficiency.
Here are some tables to identify the possible causes of problems in your crops: