Interview with Life CBD, producers of CBD hemp in Spain
THGrow News

We interviewed Life CBD Store, growers and producers of CBD hemp in Spain with an extensive catalogue of safe and high quality articles, free of heavy metals and pesticides. Their crops are grown under strict safety controls, in indoor facilities and using hydroponic means. Anton has been kind enough to answer a few questions.
THGrow: In a very short time, we have seen how the legal cannabis market with a high CBD content has consolidated in Spain, with pioneering projects that have ended up being benchmark brands like yours. How did the idea of starting the production and distribution of your CBD products come about?
LIFE CBD: First of all, I would like to point out that we are not involved in producing, distributing or marketing cannabis. We work with industrial hemp, and although hemp and cannabis originate from the same plant species, they are very different, both in terms of their appearance and their chemotypes (meaning their chemical compositions).
To answer your question about how the idea to start the project came about, I travelled around the United States and saw how they work with industrial hemp. Being there for a while I started to think that creating a company dedicated to this sector had a future projection. I could see how the market in this sector was booming, in addition to the health benefits of products made from industrial hemp.
T: In your catalogue we can find cannabis flowers, various types of CBD extracts, oils, moon rocks, even products for pets. Are there any new projects or ideas that you would like to tell us about?
L: Sorry to insist on this subject, but we don't work with cannabis, as I answered in the previous question.
Now, referring to your question, we are indeed working on new projects. Once we have seen how important our company is at a European level, we have decided to expand the products we offer and enter the cosmetics market. In addition, we are going to continue working on the production of new varieties, of course.
T: At the moment we know that the cultivation is done in controlled rooms, using partial or total LED lighting and that the plants are grown in hydroponic systems. Would you like to share with our customers a little bit about your cultivation system or some extra tricks with the plants?
L: Yes, we work in rooms with phytosanitary to prevent any disease that our plants could develop.
Our team works with all the necessary measures to be able to offer a quality product without damaging the environment around us. We also use LED lighting in order to obtain a quality harvest and thus avoid excessive electricity consumption. Similarly, we use biological products to be environmentally friendly.
Our team works according to its own parameters, using the latest mechanisms in cultivation and production. That is why we are one of the most renowned brands for the quality of the products we offer.
T: The varieties you grow, is it hemp certified by the European Union? Is it possible to start growing Cannabis varieties with THC lower than that legally permitted, as THCbd and Dinafem are doing together in Italy?
L: All our products made from industrial hemp have the Certificate issued by the European Union and are within the legal limit established by the EU Directives in force in this sector.
Right now we are focused on our own projects, so I could not answer you, as this is a very ambiguous issue. We do keep up to date with the regulations and new laws that are published in relation to this market.
T: Of the different CBD legal buds you sell, is there one in particular that is more in demand than the others, or would you like to highlight something?
L: All our varieties are very successful. In particular, the one that is most in demand is our TROPICAL KUSH flower. This variety is the most demanded by our customers, although the STRAWBERRY CAKE also has a lot of outlets, and the Fruity Q has a more personalised or specific type of customer.
T: And from the catalogue in general, is there anything you recommend us to try in particular?
L: Personally, I would recommend all the existing products in our catalogue. Our entire team works to satisfy our customers and the general public. If I had to recommend a specific product of those we offer, it would be the 10% and 15% oils. These oils have very beneficial effects on health, and they also work perfectly to combat certain diseases and different muscular ailments.
T: If you had to give us a reason for selecting your products over those of other brands, what would it be?
L: The policy we follow in our company is not to talk about other brands. We are focused on being able to offer the best quality to our customers, and they are the reason for our work. The truth is that I can't add anything else: when customers try our products, they are delighted by their quality. Not to mention our careful packaging, our promotions, and various details we have with our buyers.
T: Any special advice about any of your products for our customers?
L: Let them try them! (laughs). The truth is that the special advice I could give your customers is to try our products: we have a wide and varied catalogue that, I am sure, will surprise them. And if they do a little research, they will see that the quality we offer, and I am not saying this to scorn anyone, has nothing to do with what is currently on the market.
T: Looking at how the whole legalisation of cannabis is developing in Europe, are there any specific wishes you hope will be fulfilled soon?
L: From our company, if we have to make any specific wishes regarding this issue, it would certainly be the legalisation of cannabis. This is a contradictory issue, especially since various political and economic factors and interests are involved. Furthermore, it has been recognised to have many beneficial health effects, and it has also been shown that it does not have as harmful a direct effect on the immune system as is claimed. That is why we hope that cannabis will soon be legalised.
T: To finish the interview, anything we forgot to ask you?
L: We could discuss many questions about our company, but my best advice is to try our products: I am sure you will not regret it.
Thank you very much for your time and interest.