Interview with the Hiena team, beer brewed with hemp
THGrow News

THGrow: After a long career and consolidating so many projects, how did the idea of starting to brew beer suddenly come up?
Carlos: Well, the idea had been in the minds of our friends at Yakka beers, with whom we have mutual interests. Having also met hemp producers of the highest organoleptic and THC-free quality in recent years helped to sprout the germ of making a product with this exclusive raw material. The idea was quickly welcomed by the Yakka family and we started working on a recipe that would incorporate this fantastic hemp in harmony with the best hops. We tried to achieve a quality and fun beer that would appeal to both beer and hemp lovers.
T: What were your goals when you created the Hiena craft beer and what new projects are you considering?
C: The initial goal, to be honest, was just to have fun and make a product that we liked above all and that could perhaps be marketed. As you can see, the result was so good that we decided to put it into production and market it. As you can see, the result was so good that we decided to put it into production and market it. The world of craft beer is very large and allows for an infinite number of recipes, but our goal now is to consolidate Hiena in the craft beer and hemp market.
T: What makes Hiena, the hemp beer, different from other beers?
C: If you are referring to other craft beers in general, the difference is that it contains hemp as well as hops, plants that are from the same family and complement each other (in expert hands) perfectly. This gives the beer a subtle and different touch, as well as a unique aroma that always brings a smile to the face of those who try it for the first time.
If you refer to the rest of the beers flavoured with hemp, the main difference is that most of them, or at least most of the ones we know, are brewed with hemp extracts or directly with artificial aromas that "remind us of hemp". Hiena beer is brewed with natural hemp, more specifically with the most aromatic and fragrant parts of an exquisite quality hemp which, as we have said, provides floral, resinous and earthy notes... which make it unique.
T: And how has it been received, what comments would you like to highlight about this beer?
C: We were surprised that the market reception was so good, and so far it has been better in the beer world than in the hemp world. But we are still working to ensure that the product is distributed as widely as possible. It is not a beer that can be ignored, those who try it can see that it is not a like any other beer, but a high quality product, made with care. The best proof of this is that we have been invited to participate in many craft beer exhibitions throughout the country, because the organisers know that this is an interesting product, different from other beers, which attracts attention and seduces the public.
T: When it comes to pairing Hiena with a snack, do you have any recommendations?
C: Well, IPA (India pale ale) beers, of which Hiena is a part, pair very well with intensely flavoured, pickled and spicy products. The hemp gives it a floral component, which is why we recommend pairing it with exotic dishes containing floral aromas, such as red and green curries. It goes perfectly with simple spicy appetizers, a Thai green curry, Indian food in general, spicy Spanish "tapas" like "patatas bravas" or basque chilli peppers. But we also invite people to include beer in their recipes: add a bottle of Hiena to steamed mussels and turn this simple food into a haute cuisine dish. Use it as a substitute for wine in your favourite recipes: stews, roasts, casseroles... you'll notice the difference.
T: In one sentence, give us a reason to encourage us to try the Hiena beer.
C: Dare to live
T: Do you have any special advice for our customers related to recommended drinking temperature, how to serve it, or any particular glass they should use?
C: The optimal drinking temperature is between 4° - 6°C, it should be served slowly allowing a dense foam to rise, reaching a creamy consistency. You can use any glass but if you would like to enjoy this beer as a real gourmet, we recommend a wide-mouthed glass so that when you bring it to your mouth you can slide your nose into the container and inhale the unique aromas that emanates from it.
T: Can you tell us about any new developments you have in mind for us in the near future?
C: For now we are focusing on further improving the recipe, as it is a handmade and living product, each batch is different due to the natural ingredients. Our efforts are aimed at preserving all the good features of Hiena while improving whatever is possible. If we find a way to incorporate hemp, either the same hemp we are using now or a different one, to another recipe that can result in a product of the same or superior quality, we will do it with no doubt.
T: And as the whole situation stands, any specific wish if you could take the helm of destiny?
C: Regarding the world of hemp, we definitely need a regulation, or rather a regularization that allows us to use this product as we deserve, whether it is for medicinal or recreational use. For the world of craft beer, we need to continue researching and working to offer new products that satisfy our curiosity. Regarding the world in general… it is more complicated, but we would be pleased to wish that everyone could toast with whatever they want and with whomever they want.
T: And now that we are closing, please take the opportunity to tell us anything we may have forgotten to ask you.
C: I would just like to thank you very much to the whole team, lots of encouragement in all upcoming projects and remember to keep on toasting!!